  1. 輔仁大學外國學生入學規定

    FU JEN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Admission of International Students
  2. 輔仁大學社會學系修業規則

    FJCU Dept. of SOCIOLOGY Regulations on Academic Studies
  3. 輔仁大學社會學系學士班選課輔導辦法

    FJCU Dept. of SOCIOLOGY Guidelines on Counseling Students Regarding Course Selection
  4. 輔仁大學社會學系碩士班新生入學須知

    FJCU Dept. of SOCIOLOGY Graduate Program Regulations
  5. 輔仁大學社會學系碩士班學生選課輔導辦法

    FJCU Dept. of SOCIOLOGY Graduate Program Regulations Governing Counseling for Course Registration
  6. 輔仁大學社會學系五年一貫作業辦法

    FJCU Dept. of SOCIOLOGY Regulations Governing the 5-Year BA/MA Program

※ More Information: Office of International Education


Contact Information

Secretary, Undergraduate Program
Secretary, Graduate Program
OFFICE: SL353,3rd floor, Loyola Hall