
張明宜 助理教授



  • Chih-Chieh Chang, Chia-Hsun Lu, Ming-Yi Chang, Chao-En Shen, Ya-Chi Ho, Chih-Ya Shen (2024), “Learning to Augment Graphs: Machine- Learning-Based Social Network Intervention With Self-Supervision,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social SystemsEarly Access, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3340230. (SCIE)
  • Chih-Chieh Chang, Chia-Hsun Lu, Shun-Jen Teng, Ming-Yi Chang, Ya-Chi Ho, Chih-Ya Shen (2023), “Maximizing (k, L)-Core With Edge Augmentation in Multilayer Graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social SystemsEarly Access, doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2023.3332091. (SCIE)
  • Bay-Yuan Hsu, Lo-Yao Yeh, Ming-Yi Chang, and Chih-Ya Shen (2022), “Willingness Maximization for Ego Network Data Extraction in Multiple Online Social Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(8):8672-8686, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3207150. (SCIE)
  • Hsuan-Wei Lee, Ming-Yi Chang, Wan-Yu Chou, Jing-Shiang Hwang, and Yang-Chih Fu (2022), “From Indirect to Direct Contacts on Facebook: A Big-data Approach to the Making of Triadic Network Closure,” Canadian Review of Sociology, https://dor.org/10.1111/cars.12375 , 59(2):207-227. (SSCI)
  • Lo-Yao Yeh, Jhao-Yin Jhang, Ming-Yi Chang, Chih-Chieh Chang, Chih-Ya Shen (2022), “Learning to Extract Expert Teams in Social Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Computational Social SystemsEarly Access:1-11. (SCIE)
  • Bay-Yuan Hsu, Chia-Lin Yu, Ming-Yi Chang, and Chih-Ya Shen (2020), “CrawlSN: Community-aware Data Acquisition with Maximum Willingness in Online Social Networks” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,34:1589-1630. (SCI, Scopus)
  • 張明宜、傅仰止(2019),〈社群媒體與大學生的網絡界限:伴遊圈、談話圈、接觸圈〉,《台灣社會學》,37:1-46。(TSSCI)
  • 張明宜、吳齊殷(2013),〈友誼網絡中誰的獲益更多?青少年友誼網絡與學業成就的動態分析〉,《台灣社會學》,26:97-146。(TSSCI)
  • 謝雨生、周孟嫻、紀玉臨、張明宜(2012),〈臺灣有子女家庭所得不平等變遷,1980-2006〉,《台灣社會學刊》,51:1-61。(TSSCI)
  • Yi, Chin-Chun, Chyi-In Wu, Ying-Hua Chang, and Ming-Yi Chang (2009), “The Psychological Well-being of Taiwanese Youth: School versus Family Context from Early to Late Adolescence” International Sociology,24(3):397-429. (SSCI)
  • 吳齊殷、張明宜、陳怡蒨(2008),〈尋找機制與過程:長期追蹤研究的功用〉,《αβγ量化研究學刊》,2:1-26。


  • Joseph F. Healey,巫麗雪、翁志遠、張明宜譯(2023),《你一定要會的研究工具:社會統計》。台北:巨流圖書。
  • Yi, Chin-Chun, Gang-Hua Fan, and Ming-Yi Chang (2013), “The Developmental Outcome of Taiwanese Youth: Effects of Educational Tracking during Adolescence,” editor: Chin-Chun Yi, The Psychological Well-Being of East Asian Youth. Springer.


  • 張明宜、吳齊殷(2024),〈實體與虛擬世界的交織:探索臺灣青少年友誼網絡的生成與同質性影響〉,發表於2024臺灣數位世代研究第一屆研討會。台北:中研院社會所。
  • Yang, Hao-Wei, Ming-Yi Chang, and Chih-Ya Shen (2023), “Enhancing Link Prediction with Self-discriminating Augmentation for Structure-aware Contrastive Learning,” paper presented at European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI).
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Yang-Chi Fu (2023), “From Single-Core to Dual-Core Networks: How the Overlapping of Newlyweds’ Online Contacts Varies by Gender,” paper presented at The 2023 Sunbelt Network Conference, Potland, United States: International Network for Social Network Analysis.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi, Shui-Ru Hsu, Yi-Hsiang Huang and Chia-Ya Shen (2023), “Impact of Middle School Teachers and Peers on College STEM Major Selection,” paper presented at The 2023 Sunbelt Network Conference, Potland, United States: International Network for Social Network Analysis.
  • Yang, Jhen-Hao, Chia-Ya Shen, Ming-Yi Chang, Ya-Chi Ho, and Chia-Hsun Lu (2023), “Similarity-aware Sampling for Machine Learning-based Goal Oriented Subgraph Extraction,” paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Communications. Rome, Italy: IEEE Communications Society.
  • 張明宜、許水如、黃義翔(2022),〈國中導師與同儕對於大學STEM科系選讀之影響〉,發表於2022年台灣社會學會年會。屏東:屏東大學。
  • 傅仰止、盧禹文、張明宜(2021),〈再探鄉村居住型態與鄰里網絡〉,發表於臺灣農村社會文化調查計畫《分項一:人口、社會與經濟調查計畫》第二次研討會「農業發展與鄉村生活:持續與轉變」。台北:中研院社會所。
  • B.-Y. Hsum C.-Y. Shen, and M.-Y. Chang (2020), “WMEgo: Willingness Maximization for Ego Network Data Extraction in Online Social Networks,” paper presented at ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM).
  • Ming-Yi Chang and Chih-Ying Tseng (2020), “Detecting Social Anxiety with Online Social Network Data Conference,” paper presented at The 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'2020). (Virtual Conference)
  • B.-Y. Hsu, C.-L. Tu, M.-Y. Chang, and C.-Y. Shen (2019), “CrawlSN: Community-aware Data Acquisition with Maximum Willingness in Online Social Networks,” paper presented at ACM HyperText (HT).
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Yang-Chi Fu (2018), “Gender Difference in Online Emotional Contagion among College Students,” paper presented at The 2018 Sunbelt Network Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands: International Network for Social Network Analysis.
  • 傅仰止、李宗榮、張明宜(2017),〈Civic Discussion in an Emergent Democracy: A Decade’s Comparison of Voting and Assessment of Government〉,發表於公民與國家:台灣社會變遷基本調查第二十八次研討會。台北:中研院社會所。
  • Fu, Yang-Chih, Ming-Yi Chang, and Jing-Shiang Hwang (2017), “Egocentric Complete Networks: Building Versatile Network Structures from Contact Diaries and Social Media,” paper presented at The Third European Conference on Social Networks, Mainz, Germany: Gutenberg University.
  • Fu, Yang-Chih and Ming-Yi Chang (2017), “Inducing Egocentric Networks with Privacy Settings: Evidence from Integrated Social Media and Representative Survey Data,” paper presented at The 2017 International Conference on Computational Social Science IC2S2, Cologne, Germany: Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi, Yang-Chih Fu, and Po-Chun Lee (2017), “Network Structures and Subsequent Contact Size on Social Media,” paper presented at The 2017 Sunbelt Network Conference, Beijing, China: International Network for Social Network Analysis.
  • Fu, Yang-Chih and Ming-Yi Chang (2017), “Inducing Egocentric Networks with Privacy Settings: Evidence from Integrated Social Media and Representative Survey Data,” paper presented at The 3rd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).
  • 張明宜、傅仰止(2017)〈社群媒體、友誼網絡與大學生的網絡界限之變動〉,發表於「多重聲部的合鳴:中研院社會所第二屆博士後論壇」。台北:中研院社會所。
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Yang-Chih Fu (2016), “Dynamics of College Students’ Facebook Interactions and Class Activity Participations,” paper presented  The First Australian Social Network Analysis Conference, Australlia: Swinburne University of Technology.
  • Fu, Yang-Chih and Ming-Yi Chang (2016), “Drawing Network Boundaries in the Social Media Era: Gender Roles in Daily Contacts and Life Events,” paper presented at The 1st Conference on Social Impact of Science, Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Yang-Chih Fu (2016), “Drawing Network Boundaries for Life Events: From Facebook Friends to Wedding Banquet Guests,” paper presented  The 2nd East Asia Conference for Young Sociologists. Japan: Tokyo University.
  • Fu, Yang-Chih, Ming-Yi Chang, Jen Hsian Chuang and Da-Wai Wang (2015), “Multilevel Determinants of Receiving the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Vaccine: Contact Patterns and Household Structures,” paper presented at The XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Brighton, U.K.: International Network for Social Network Analysis.
  • 張明宜(2015),〈Causal Effects of Peer Influence on Adolescents' Academic Performance〉,發表於2015社會網絡、階層化、宗教和族群工作坊。台北:政治大學。
  • Lee, Zong-Rong and Ming-Yi Chang (2014), “Keeping Up with the Family? A Longitudinal Analysis of Kinship Networks and Performance of Intercorporate Alliances,” paper presented at The First European Social Network Conference.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Chin-Chun Yi (2013), “Is It Better to Stay in the Academic Track for Taiwanese Youth? Change of Educational Status and Its Effect on the Psychological Well-Being,” paper presented at The 5th Conference on Taiwan Youth Project. Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lee, Zong-Rong and Ming-Yi Chang (2013), “Dynamic Process of Strategic Alliances: A 2-Mode Network Analysis,” paper presented at 2013 Xian INSNA Conference.
  • Chang, M.-Y., Tom A. B. Snijders, and Chyi-In Wu (2011), “Re-vist Reference Group Theory and the Contrast and Assimilation Effect of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond,” paper presented at 7th UK Social Network Conference. University of Greenwich, London.
  • Chang, M.-Y., Tom A. B. Snijders, and Chyi-In Wu (2011), “Dynamics of Friendship Network and Students' Academic Performance: the Comparison between Two Student Cohorts before and after Education Reform in Taiwan,” paper presented at Sunbelt XXXI International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Yeu-Sheng Hsieh (2010), “Social Distance, Social Networks, and Adolescent Academic Performance,” paper presented at Sunbelt XXX International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Riva dal Garda Fierecongressi, Trento, Italy.
  • Hsieh, Yeu-Sheng, Ming-Yi Chang and Meng-Sian Jhou (2010), “Changes of Friendship among Taiwanese Adolescents: Gender, Class, and Rural-Urban Differences,” paper presented at Sunbelt XXX International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Riva dal Garda Fierecongressi, Trento, Italy.
  • 張明宜、謝雨生(2009),〈友誼網絡與青少年憂鬱〉,發表「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究第三次學術研討會」。台北:中研院社會所。
  • Yi, Chin-Chun, Gang-Hua Fan, and Ming-Yi Chang (2009), “The Developmental Outcome of Taiwanese Youth: Contextual versus Relational Effects,” paper presented at the Section on Children and Youth at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • 謝雨生、周孟嫻、張明宜、紀玉臨、陳怡蒨(2008),〈臺灣族群主觀階級意識〉,發表於「社會階層與社會流動:臺灣社會變遷基本調查第十三次研討會」。台北:中研院社會所。
  • Wu, Chyi-In, and Ming-Yi Chang (2008), “The Impacts of Social Space on Network Space: Propinquity and Homophily Effect,” paper presented at the 2007 Sunbelt XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
  • Chang, Ming-Yi and Chyi-In Wu (2008), “Educational System, Class Cliniate and Students' Academic Achievement: The Interplay of Structure and Context” paper presented at the 2007 Sunbelt XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
  • Chen, I-Chien, Chyi-In Wu, and Ming-Yi Chang (2007), “A Best Frient is Equal to A "Good" Friend? The Mutual Influence between Adolescent's Depressive Symptoms and Their Best Friend's,” paper presented at the 2007 Sunbelt XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Corfu, Greece.
  • Wu, Chyi-In, Ming-Yi Chang, and I-Chien Chen (2007), “The Development of Friendship Networks within School Class in Later Adolescence: Dynamics and Processes,” paper presented at the 2007 Sunbelt XXVIII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Corfu, Greece.
  • Wu, Chyi-In, Yu-Ting Huang and Ming-Yi Chang (2006), “The Impacts of Family Stucture and Family Dysfunctions upon Adolescent's Depressive Symptoms,” paper presented at the 2006 Conference of "Law and Family." Taipei: Academia Sinica.
  • Wu, Chyi-In, Yu-Ting Huang, and Ming-Yi Chang (2006), “The Mechanisms of Moderating Effect of Social Support from Friends on Adolesecnt's Emotional Maladjustment: A Taiwanese Perspective,” paper presented at the International Conference on Children and Divorce, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
  • Wu, Chyi-In and Ming-Yi Chang (2006), “Re-veist Reference Group Theory of the Big-Fish-Little-Pong,” paper presented at the 2006 Sunbelt XXVII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference.


  • 張明宜,「青少年友誼網絡中的社會隔離:成因、歷程與後果」,2024年8月至2025年7月,NSTC 113-2410-H-030-024。
  • 張明宜,「社群媒體形塑下的社會連結與社會互動:形式、結構與變遷」,2022年2月至2024年1月,MOST 111-2410-H-030-006-MY2。


  • 江彥生(總計畫主持人)、李宣緯(分支計畫主持人)、張明宜(分支計畫協同主持人),「總計畫-社會網絡的行塑與轉變:生命歷程與跟物種的研究」、「分支計畫:高中生班級社會網絡選擇與擴散計畫」,中研院,2023年1月至2025年12月,AS-TP-112-H03。
  • 傅仰止、張明宜(分支計畫三共同主持人),「自我核心完整網絡:接觸觀點整合社會網絡分析兩大研究傳承」,中研院,2021年5月至2022年12月,AS-TP-109-H02。


張明宜(2021),〈臉書是促進了社會聯繫,還是讓人們愈來愈隔離? 談社群媒體與個人的社會網絡與社會資本〉,《巷仔口社會學》。台灣社會學會。

